In the second quarter of 2024, we focused on launching our latest update Pick Up Games Locator and lowering budgets on paid ads. We’ve turned off all paid marketing (was $850 monthly in Q1), but still see a huge raise in the amount of organic traffic – 145% since Q1. This quarter also sees a 11,2% raise in installs – 26,749 new installs.
Our Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) is $2,812 with 814 active subscriptions. Our monthly expenditures in this quarter included a team spend of $1,500, and infrastructure spend of $500. We also spent $1,500 on ads (finished mid-June)
Despite these expenses, we have been able to maintain a bootstrapped operation, relying largely on our revenues and organic growth. Moving forward, we aim to keep this momentum, focusing on growth, user engagement (with an average of 15k Monthly Active Users), and continuous product improvement.
In Q2 2024, Level Up Basketball focused on:
Pickup Games:
Launched in May, with 10% user adoption and 3% joining court chats.
Fixed backend issues.
Focus: increase user activity and enhance experience.
Our current focus is on increasing user activity in this section and enhancing the overall experience. Looking ahead, we plan to implement game booking functionalities and make our Pickup Games the most convenient option to find and plan games.
Lowering costs