Level Up Basketball aims to create the top app for the global community of 500 million amateur basketball players. This effort seeks to positively impact the new generation by promoting teamwork, dedication, and personal skill development through team sports.

Our company is built for the public, by the public, and with the help of public 🤝

We understand the challenges posed by social media addiction. That's why our goal is to redirect children's attention from phone screens to playing basketball. We utilize similar mechanics to those found in social media, but in a positive and beneficial way.

Our app has already made a significant impact on over 180,000 users. Join us in addressing one of today's greatest challenges: capturing the attention of young people and guiding them towards positive community activities 🏀🌟🌍

Our Core Values:

🌈 Inclusivity

We believe that everyone should have access to the benefits of basketball, regardless of their background, gender, or location.

🧑‍🔬 Innovation

We are committed to using the latest technology to make basketball more accessible and enjoyable for everyone.

🤝 Community

We believe that basketball has the power to bring people together and create lasting connections.

🏆 Quality

We are committed to delivering the highest quality mobile app experience to our users.

👐 Integrity

We believe in conducting business with honesty and transparency, and always putting the needs of our users first.

About company